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1 Yu JR, Lee JK, Seo M, Kim SI, Sohn WM, Huh S, Choi, HY, Kim TS (2004) Prevalence of cryptosporidiosis among the villagers and domestic animals in several rural areas of Korea. Korean J Parasitol 42: 1-6/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
2 Dubey JP (2003) Review of Neospora caninum and neosporosis in animals. Korean J Parasitol 41: 1-16/   DOI   Pubmed   Ndsl View Article
3 Chai JY, Lin A, Shin EH, Oh MD, Han ET, Nan HW, Lee SH (2003) Laboratory passage and characterization of an isolate of Toxoplasma gondii from an ocular patient in Korea. Korean J Parasitol 41: 147-154/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
4 Cho CM, Tak WY, Kweon YO, Kim SK, Choi YH, Kong HH, Chung DI (2003) A human case of Echinostoma hortense (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) infection diagnosed by gastroduodenal endoscopy in Korea. Korean J Parasitol 41: 117-120/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
5 Kim J, Joo HS, Kim DH, Lim H, Kang YH, Kim MS (2003) A case of gastric strongyloidiasis in a Korean patient. Korean J Parasitol 41: 63-67/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
6 Kim BJ, Lee BY, Chung HK, Lee YS, Lee KH, Chung HJ, Ock MS (2003) Egg positive rate of Enterobius vermicularis of primary school children in Geoje Island. Korean J Parasitol 41: 75-77/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
7 Kim BJ, Lee BY, Chung HK, Lee YS, Lee KH, Chung HJ, Ock MS (2003) Egg positive rate of Enterobius vermicularis of primary school children in Geoje island. Korean J Parasitol 41: 75-77/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
8 Sohn WM, Han ET, Seo M, Chai JY (2003) Identification of Acanthotrema felis (Digenea: Heterophyidae) metacercariae encysted in the brackish water fish Acanthogobius flavimanus. Korean J Parasitol. 41: 101-105/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
9 Park HY, Lee SU, Huh S, Kong Y, Magnaval JF (2002) A seroepidemiological survey for toxocariasisin apparently healthy residents in Gangwon-do, Korea. Korean J Parasitol 40: 113-117/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
10 Cho SH, Lee HW, Shin EH, Lee HI, Lee WG, Kim CH, Kim JT, Lee JS, Lee WJ, Jung GG, Kim TS (2002) A markrelease-recapture experiment with Anopheles sinensis in the northern part of Gyonggi-do, Korea. Korean J Parasitol 40: 139-148/   DOI   Ndsl View Article
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