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1 Hong, Y. K., Cho, J. M., Ryu, K. L., Shin, D. B. and Kim, S. C. 2002c. The suitable cultural conditions for inoculum production of Epicoccosorus nematosporus as a mycoherbicide agent. Kor. J. Weed Sci. 22:61-66/ View Article
2 강병화, 심상인(2002) 우리나라 귀화식물의 발생상황. 한국잡초학회지 22(3): 207-226/ View Article
3 Kang, B.H., and S.I. Shim. 2002. Overall status of naturalized plants in Korea. Kor. J. Weed Sci. 22(3) : 207-226/ View Article
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