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1 Ryu, H. J. and Jin, G. T. : 'Conceptual Design of 50kW thermal Chemical-Looping Combustor and Analysis of Variables', Energy Eng., Vol. 12, No. 4, 2003, pp. 289-301/ View Article
2 박종배 외, '캘리포니아 테스트에 기초한 직접부하제어 프로그램의 적정 인센티브 산정', 한국에너지공학회지, 제11권 제4호, pp. 342-349, 2002/   KOI View Article
3 Kim, J. H. and Choi, G. H., 2002, 'Influence of Compression Ratio on Engine Performance in Heavy-duty LPG Single-Cylinder Engine,' Energy Engineering Journal, Vol. 11, No.2, pp. 160-165/   KOI View Article
4 R. Billinton, W. Li, 'A Monte Carlo Method for Multi-Area Generation System Reliability', IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 1487-1492, November 1992/   KOI   DOI   Ndsl View Article
5 가스화 조건에서 탄종에 따른 석탄 슬래그 점도 거동/
[[문인식;조철범;오명숙]] / null   KOI
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6 A Study on Economic Analysis for Hotel Introduction of Co-generation System/
[[Eung Sang Kim]] / null   KOI
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