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1 Eom, T-J., Kang, S-H., Lee, J-M., and Park, S-B. Recycling of waste paper with alkaline. Cellulytic Enzyme (1). J. Korea Tappi, 35(3): 66-73 (2003)/ View Article
2 Sung, Y-J., and Keller, D.S., Evaluation of Gloss Variation with a Novel Method, KTappi, 34(2):73 (2002)/ View Article
3 Kim, C-H and Cho, S. H, Development of Functional Additives and Packaging Paper for Prolonging Freshness of Cut Flowers, Jr. of KTAPPI Vol.34(2): 32-41(2002)/ View Article
4 Woo, Yi-K., Ryu, J-Y., Kim Y-H., Song, B-K., and Cho, N-S., Application of the novel test machine, Retention Drainage Analyzer(RDA), for wet-end analysis of papermaking process (1), 펄프 · 종이기술, 34(4):1-6(2002)/ View Article
5 이사용, 이학래, 소프트 닙 캘린더링 변수에 따른도공지의 물성, 펄프 · 종이기술 34(1):37-45 (2002)/ View Article
6 이사용, 이학래, 소프트 닙 캘린더링 변수에 따른 신문 용지의 물성, 펄프 · 종이기술 34(1): 12-21 (2002)/ View Article
7 펄프 표백시 산소와 이산화염소의 상호작용(제1보)-리그닌 모델화합물 연구-/
[[윤병호;황병호;김세종;최경화]] / null   KOI
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8 Development of a Novel System for Measuring Sizing Degree Based on Contact Angle (I)/
[[Kim,C-H;Lee,C-Y;Choi,K-M;Park,C-Y]] / null   KOI
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9 Development of a Automatic Analysis System for Water Repellency of Packaging Parer/
[[Kim,C-H;Kang,J-G;Choi,K-M;Park,C-Y]] / null   KOI
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10 Development of a Novel System for Measuring Sizing Degree Based on Contact Angle (II)/
[[Kim,C-H;Lee,C-Y;Choi,K-M;Park,C-Y]] / null   KOI
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