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1 LEE, O. AND KlM, M. (2002). 'On stationarity of nonlinear AR processes with nonlinear ARCH errors' Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 17, 309-319/   DOI View Article
2 Integrability as values of cusp forms in imaginary quadratic/
[[D.Kim;J.K.Koo]] / null   KOI
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3 A Note on The Root System of an Affine Lie Algebra of Type $A_2l^ (2)$/
[[Yeonok Kim]] / null   KOI
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4 Existence and uniqueness of endemic states for an epidemic model with external force of infection/
[[Y. Cha]] / null   KOI   DOI   Ndsl
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5 Minimal basically disconnected covers of some extensions/
[[C.I.Kim;K.H.Jung]] / null   KOI   DOI   Ndsl
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6 Bad pairs of polynomial zeros/
[[S.H.Kim]] / null   KOI
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7 Some curvature conditions of n-dimensional CR-submanifolds of (n-1) CR-dimension in a complex projective space Ⅱ/
[[W.H.Sohn]] / null   KOI
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8 Simple Lie algebras which generalizes KPS's Lie algebras/
[[K.B.Nam;M.O.Wang]] / null   KOI   DOI   Ndsl
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