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1 Choi, I. K, Choun, Y. S., Seo, J. M, and Yun, K. H., "Reevaluation of Seismic Fragility Parameters of Nuclear Power Plant Components Considering Uniform Hazard Spechum," Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society, Vol. 34, No. 6,2002./   KOI View Article
2 Y.D. Lee and J.H. Chang, 'Neutron Cross Section Evaluation on Pr-141, Nd-143, Nd-145, Sm-147 and Sm-149,' J. KNS, Vol. 34, (4), August, (2002)/   KOI View Article
3 J. H. Song et al. 'Spontaneous Steam Explosions Observed In the Fuel Coolant Interaction Experiments Using Reactor Materials', J. of the Korean Nuclear Society, Vol. 33, pp.344-357, (2002)/   KOI View Article
4 S.H. Byun, G.M. Sun and H.D. Choi, 'Beam characteristics of polychromatic diffracted neutrons used for prompt gamma activation analysis', J. Korean Nucl. Soc. 34, 30 (2002)/   KOI View Article
5 Yoon, K.H, Kang, H.S., Kim, H.K., Song, K.N. and Jung, Y.H., 2001, 'Nonlinear Dynamic Buckling Behavior of Partial Spacer Grid Assembly,' Journal of Korean Nuclear Society, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 93-101/   KOI View Article
6 Kang, H.S., Song, K.N., Kim, H.K. and Yoon, K.H., 2001, 'FIV Analysis for a Rod Supported by Springs at Both Ends,' Journal of Korean Nuclear Society, Vol. 33, No.6, pp. 619-623/   KOI View Article
7 Kang, H.S., Song, K.N, Kim, H.K., Yoon, K.H. and Jung, Y.H., 2001, 'Verification Test and Model Updating for a Nuclear Fuel Rod with Its Supporting Structure,' Journal of Korean Nuclear Society, Vol. 33, No.1, pp. 73-82/   KOI View Article
8 Chun, S. Y., Chung, H. J., Hong, S. D., Yang, S. K. jand Chung. M. K., 2000, 'Critical Heat Flux in Uniformly Heated Vertical Annulus Under a Wide Range of Pressures 0.57 to 15.0 MPa,' Journal of the Korean Nuclear Society, Vol. 32, No. 2m pp. 128-141/   KOI View Article
9 Verification Test and Model Upating for a Nuclear Fuel Rod with Its Supporting Structure/
[[Kang,H.S.;Song,K.N.;Kim,H.K.;Yoon,K.H.;Jung,Y.H.]] / null   KOI
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10 Relation Between Density and Porosity in Sintered UO₂Pellets/
[[S.H.Na;S.H.Kim;Y.W.Lee;M.J.Yoo]] / null   KOI
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