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1 The Effects of Geometrical Shape and Post Weld Treatment on Welding Residual Stress Distribution of Weldment in Mult-pass Welded Pipe/
[[C. H. Kim;S. Y. Cho;B. K. Kim;D. H. BAE]] / null   KOI
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2 Development of waveform control for suppressing the spatter generation in high current CO2 welding/
[[H. J. Kim;B. Y. Kang]] / null   KOI
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3 Cold spray 기술/
[[김형준;이창희;권영각]] / null   KOI
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4 A Study on Solid Particle Erosion Wear Chateriracstics of High Cr White Iron Hardfacing by Response Surface Method/
[[Lee,H.K.]] / null   KOI
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5 Aging Characteristic of Shear Strength of Micro Solder Bump/
[[K.S.Kim;Y.B.Sun;E.G.Chang]] / null   KOI
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6 Thermal Fatigye Life Prediction of ㎕BGA Solder Joint Using Sn-37mass%Pb Solder and Sn-3.5mass%Ag Lead -free Solder/
[[Young-Eui Shin;Jun-Hwan Lee;Beom-Yong Ha]] / null   KOI
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7 The Analysis of Welding Deformation in Arc-spot Welded Structure(I)-Temperature Monitoring and Heat Transfer Analysis/
[[K.B.Jang;S.S.Kang;S.M.Cho]] / null   KOI
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8 Cold spray 기술/
[[김형준;이창희;권영각]] / null   KOI
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9 Modeling of self-aligning effect in flip chip soldering/
[[Y.J.Jung;D.Ahn;C.D.Yoo;Y.S.Kim]] / null   KOI
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10 Residual stress measurement on welded specimen by neutron diffraction/
[[Man-Jin Park;Dong-yong Jang;Hee-dong Choi]] / null   KOI
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