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1 김동욱, 三田村 好矩, 심장내 이식형 축류 혈액펌프 용혈특성에 관한 연구, 의공학회지, Vol.21, No.4, pp.353-362, 2000/   KOI View Article
2 김종윤, 송철규, 김동욱, 김남균, '가상환경에서 Shutter glass 방식의 입체영상이 인체에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구', 의공학회지, 제21권 6호, pp.607-614, 2000/   KOI View Article
3 Oh, S.E., and Rhee, K., 'A study on the measurement of wall shear rate in the abdominal aortic aneurysm,' J Biomed. Res., Vol. 21, pp. 181-187, 2000/   KOI View Article
4 Successive fuzzy classification and improved parcellation method for brain analysis/
[[Ui Cheul Yonn;Jin Woo Hwang;Jae Seok Kim;Jae Jin Kim;In Young Kim;Jun Soo Kwon;Sun I. Kim]] / null   KOI
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5 스트래스 심전도의 근잡음 제거를 위한 Wavelet interpolation Filter의 설계/
[[박광리;이경중;이병채;정기삼;윤형로]] / null   KOI
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6 4채널 위전도시스템의 개발 및 유용성/
[[유창용;이상인;남기창;송철규;김덕원]] / null   KOI
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7 A study on the ordered subsets expectation maximization reconstruction method using Gibbs priors for emission computed tomography/
[[K.C.Im;Y.Choi;J.H.Kim;S.J.Leee;S.K.Woo;H,K.Seo;K.H.Lee;S.E.Kim;Y.S.Choe;C.C.Park;B,T,Kim]] / null   KOI
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8 Image Improvement Techriques Using RF DATA in Medical Ultrasound Imaging/
[[J.S.Jeong;T,K.Song]] / null   KOI
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9 A New Synthetic Aperture Technique using Linear Wabe Fronts/
[[J.H.Chang;T,K.Song]] / null   KOI
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10 Image Improvement Techniques Using RF Data in Medical Ultrasound Imaging/
[[J.S.Jeong;T,K.Song]] / null   KOI
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