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1 Periodicity exhibited by Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae identified in dogs of Korea/
[[Rhee JK;Yang SS;Kim HC]] / null   KOI   DOI   Ndsl
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2 Development of mass rearing technique of Tyrophagus putrescentiae(Acari : Acaridae) found in house dust/
[[Ree HI;Lee IY]] / null   KOI   DOI   Ndsl
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3 Fauna and geographical distribution of house dust mites in Korea/
[[Ree HI;Jeon SH;Lee IY;Hong CS;Lee DK]] / null   KOI   DOI   Ndsl
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4 Toxoplasma gondii: Ultrastructural localization of specific antigens of intracellular multiplication by monoclonal antibodies/
[[Lee, B. Y.;M. H. Ahn;H. C. Kim;D. Y. Min]] / null   KOI   DOI
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5 The effect of microfilament inhibitor on the Cryptosporidium infection in vitro/
[[Yu, J. R.;S. D. Choi]] / null   KOI   DOI
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