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Status and Development Direction of Incheon Free Economic Zone - Through comparison with the Special Economic Zone of China -  

Seo, Yeong Jin (인천대학교 도시과학대학 도시행정학과)
Park, Ju Moon (인천대학교 도시과학대학 도시행정학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Urban Science / v.7, no.1, 2018 , pp. 11-21 More about this Journal
Abstract: Korea has designated free economic zones to build the foundation for national economic development by setting up special economic zones to be more competitive in cities. On August 5, 2003, the government designated Songdo, Yeongjong and Cheongna districts in Incheon as free economic zones. But while the development should have been completed nearly three years before the end of the development, the development has been slow and the population, foreign direct investment and other business results are far from the initial plan. Therefore, in this study, we will investigate the various problems occurring in the Incheon Free Economic Zone, investigate the causes of the problem, and then compare and analyze the Incheon Free Economic Zone and China's special economic zones. The two institutions share similar characteristics in many areas, but the Incheon Free Economic Zone system has yet to be settled, as the special economic zone has played a significant role in economic development in China. Therefore, the study is expected to find a solution to the problems of the free economic zones in Incheon and provide directions for future development.
Free Economic Zone; Special Economic Zone; Incheon; China;
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  • Reference
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