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Informational and Methodological Approach to Ensuring the Economic Security of the State in the Banking Sphere  

Shemayeva, Luidmila (National Institute for Strategic Studies)
Hladkykh, Dmytro (National Institute for Strategic Studies)
Mihus, Iryna ((KROK) University)
Onofriichuk, Andrii ((KROK) University)
Onofriichuk, Vitalii (Second Territorial Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine)
Publication Information
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security / v.21, no.12spc, 2021 , pp. 477-482 More about this Journal
The existing approaches to ensuring the banking security of the state do not take into account the peculiarities of the banking system in the rapid development of the information economy (increasing uncertainty, imbalance and nonlinearity of processes in the banking system under the influence of innovation, institutions, information asymmetry, etc.). A methodological approach to determining the synergetic effect in the implementation of the regulatory influence of the state on the development of innovation processes related to informatization in the banking system, based on the use of differential equations and modelling the sensitivity of innovation processes related to informatization in the banking system, to the regulatory influence of the state to prevent the deployment of risks and threats to economic security of the state in this area has been suggested in the present article.
Information aspects; delivery management; logistics clusters; logistics systems;
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