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A Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Solving Deadlock Problem within Multi-Unit Resources Systems  

Ahmed, Rabie (Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Northern Border University)
Saidani, Taoufik (Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Northern Border University)
Rababa, Malek (Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Northern Border University)
Publication Information
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security / v.21, no.12, 2021 , pp. 175-182 More about this Journal
Deadlock is a situation in which two or more processes competing for resources are waiting for the others to finish, and neither ever does. There are two different forms of systems, multi-unit and single-unit resource systems. The difference is the number of instances (or units) of each type of resource. Deadlock problem can be modeled as a constrained combinatorial problem that seeks to find a possible scheduling for the processes through which the system can avoid entering a deadlock state. To solve deadlock problem, several algorithms and techniques have been introduced, but the use of metaheuristics is one of the powerful methods to solve it. Genetic algorithms have been effective in solving many optimization issues, including deadlock Problem. In this paper, an improved parallel framework of the genetic algorithm is introduced and adapted effectively and efficiently to deadlock problem. The proposed modified method is implemented in java and tested on a specific dataset. The experiment shows that proposed approach can produce optimal solutions in terms of burst time and the number of feasible solutions in each advanced generation. Further, the proposed approach enables all types of crossovers to work with high performance.
Deadlock Multi-instances; Genetic Algorithm; Banker Algorithm; Parallel Algorithms;
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