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On determining the flyability of airplane rectilinear trajectories at constant velocity  

Labonte, Gilles (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Royal Military College of Canada)
Publication Information
Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science / v.5, no.5, 2018 , pp. 551-579 More about this Journal
This work is concerned with the motion of propeller driven airplanes, flying at constant velocity on ascending or descending rectilinear trajectories. Its purpose is to provide important features of rectilinear flights that are required for airplane trajectory planning but that cannot be found already published. It presents a method for calculating the amount of fuel used, the restrictions on the trajectory parameters, as inclination and speed, which result from the load factor, the lift coefficient, the positivity and upper boundedness of the power available. It presents a complete discussion of both ascending and descending flights, including gliding. Some original remarks are made about the parameters of gliding. It shows how to construct tables of parameters allowing to identify rapidly flyable trajectories. Sample calculations are shown for the Cessna 182 and a Silver Fox like unmanned aerial vehicle.
airplane rectilinear trajectory; inclined rectilinear motion, airplane equation of motion; automatic trajectory planning; gliding;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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