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Depiction of concrete structures with seismic separation under faraway fault earthquakes  

Luo, Liang (Key Laboratory of High Performance Ship Technology (Wuhan University of Technology), Ministry of Education)
Nguyen, Hoang (Institute of Research and Development, Duy Tan University)
Alabduljabbar, Hisham (Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University)
Alaskar, Abdulaziz (Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University)
Alrshoudi, Fahed (Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University)
Alyousef, Rayed (Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University)
Nguyen, Viet-Duc (Thuyloi University)
Dang, Hoang-Minh (Division of Construction Computation, Institute for Computational Science, Ton Duc Thang University)
Publication Information
Advances in concrete construction / v.9, no.1, 2020 , pp. 71-82 More about this Journal
One of the most suitable methods in structural design is seismic separator. Lead-Rubber Bearing (LRB) is one of the most well-known separation systems which can be used in different types of structures. This system mitigates the earthquake acceleration prior to transferring to the structure efficiently. However, the performance of this system in concrete structures with different heights have not been evaluated thoroughly yet. This paper aims to evaluate the performance of LRB separation system in concrete structures with different heights. For this purpose, three, 16, and 23 story concrete structures are equipped by LRB and exposed to a far-field earthquake. Next, a time history analysis is conducted on each of the structures. Finally, the performance of the concrete structures is compared with each other in the term of their response to the earthquakes and the formation of plastic hinges. The results of the paper show that the rate of change in acceleration response and the ratio of drift along the height of 8 and 23 stories concrete structures are more than those of the 16-stories, and the use of LRB reduces the formation of plastic joints.
base isolation system; lead-rubber bearing; far-field earthquake; time history analysis; numerical analysis;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 51  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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