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Free vibration analysis of FG porous joined truncated conical-cylindrical shell reinforced by graphene platelets  

Kiarasi, Faraz (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Eyvanekey)
Babaei, Masoud (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Eyvanekey)
Mollaei, Somayeh (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bonab)
Mohammadi, Mokhtar (Department of Information Technology, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Lebanese French University)
Asemi, Kamran (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Islamic Azad University)
Publication Information
Advances in nano research / v.11, no.4, 2021 , pp. 361-380 More about this Journal
Natural frequency analysis of functionally graded porous joined truncated conical-cylindrical shell reinforced by graphene platelet is investigated in this paper. The structure is consisting of a layered model with five kinds of distribution of graphene platelets in a metallic matrix containing open-cell interior pores. To calculate the effective properties of the porous nanocomposite joined shell, the generalized rule of mixture and the modified Halpin-Tsai equations are employed. Four different porosity distributions are assumed along the shell thickness: two kinds of symmetric functionally graded distributions, non-symmetric functionally graded distributions and uniform distribution of porosity. Graded finite element method (GFEM) based on Rayleigh-Ritz energy formulation has been used to solve 2D- axisymmetric elasticity equations. A parametric study is also conducted to show the effects of different geometric parameters, boundary conditions, weight fraction of graphene platelets, porosity coefficient, distribution of porosity and dispersion pattern of graphene platelets on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the structure.
FG porous; graded finite element method; graphene platelets; joined truncated conical-cylindrical shell; natural frequency analysis;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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