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One-dimensional Schottky nanodiode based on telescoping polyprismanes  

Sergeyev, Daulet (Department of Physics, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University)
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Advances in nano research / v.10, no.5, 2021 , pp. 471-479 More about this Journal
In the framework of the density functional theory combined with the method of non-equilibrium Green functions (DFT + NEGF), the electric transport properties of a one-dimensional nanodevice consisting of telescoping polyprismanes with various types of electrical conductivity were studied. Its transmission spectra, density of state, current-voltage characteristic, and differential conductivity are determined. It was shown that C[14,17], C[14,11], C[14,16], C[14,10] show a metallic nature, and polyprismanes C[14,5], C[14,4] possess semiconductor properties and has a band gap of 0.4 eV and 0.6 eV, respectively. It was found that, when metal C[14,11], C[14,10] and semiconductor C[14,5], C[14,4] polyprismanes are coaxially connected, a Schottky barrier is formed and a weak diode effect is observed, i.e., manifested valve (rectifying) property of telescoping polyprismanes. The enhancement of this effect occurs in the nanodevices C[14,17] - C[14,11] - C[14,5] and C[14,16] - C[14,10] - C[14,4], which have the properties of nanodiode and back nanodiode, respectively. The simulation results can be useful in creating promising active one-dimensional elements of nanoelectronics.
polyprisman; Schottky nanodiode; electron transport; current-voltage characteristic; differential conductivity;
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