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A Study on Comprehensive Planning for Development Cooperation in North Korean Region  

Kim, Doo-Hwan (한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 북한연구센터)
Choi, Dae-Sik (한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원)
Jung, Yeon-Woo (한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원)
Publication Information
Land and Housing Review / v.6, no.2, 2015 , pp. 89-99 More about this Journal
What is a role of the studies on spatial planning of Korean peninsular and its cities in the process of cooperation between and unification of South and North Korea? Where should the basic perspectives be oriented for the process? Can a comprehensive plan of North Korea have practical implications although South-North cooperation does not get into its stride? If it can, which contents should the plan cover? This study aims to contemplate these issues and to suggest a preliminary land development approach of North Korea, which would contribute academic and practical debates on the issues, at this juncture of the cascade of studies on spatial planning in North Korea. It assume South-North relation would evolve from 'reconciliation and cooperation' and 'confederation' into 'unification' of South and North Korea which is based on the official plan of South Korea. We suggest, as the basic perspectives of development approach, cooperation(or co-evolution), future-oriented sustainability, and parallel development of industry and physical infrastructure. The development potential of North Korea is explained by detail fields and sub-regions, which is used to analyse SWOT and to subsequently extract the basic directions(vision and strategies) of North Korea development. These directions are followed by the spatial structure plan to improve North Korea using the potential of the regions. Based on the plan, the development directions of detail fields are suggested.
North Korea; North Korea Development; N.Korea Development Cooperation; Territorial Comprehensive Planning;
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  • Reference
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