Inoculation Effect of Methylobacterium suomiense on Growth of Red Pepper under Different Levels of Organic and Chemical Fertilizers
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Lee, Min-Kyoung
(Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University)
Lee, Gil-Seung (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) Yim, Woo-Jong (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) Hong, In-Soo (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) Palaniappan, Pitchai (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) Siddikee, Md. Ashaduzzaman (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) Boruah, Hari P. Deka (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) Madhaiyan, Munusamy (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) Ahn, Ki-Sup (Department of Health and Environment, Baekseok culture University) Sa, Tongmin (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Chungbuk National University) |
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