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Sap Collection and Major Components of Acer mono in Mt. Jiri  

Moon, Hyun-Shik (Division of Forest Science, Gyeongsang National University)
Kwon, Su-Duk (Korea Forest Research Institute)
Park, Sang-Beom (Korea Forest Research Institute)
Goo, Ja-Woon (Korea Forest Research Institute)
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The Korean Journal of Ecology / v.27, no.5, 2004 , pp. 263-267 More about this Journal
The collecting amount of sap by DBH class and contents of mineral and free sugar in the sap of Acer mono in Mt. Jiri were investigated. The total amount of sap throughout the study period was 315 L. Sap of A. mono were increased with increasing DBH, 67 L(21%), 104 L(33%) and 144 L(46%) from small (below 18㎝), middle (20-28㎝) and large (above 30㎝) diameter tree, respectively. This may be due to increase in crown width and extension of root system. Amounts of sap was required by big temperature fluctuation in day and night. The contents of solid, ash and sugar were 1.90%, 0.02% and 1.64% in the sap of A. mono. Free sugar determined in the sap was sucrose with 16.4 g/L, but glucose, fructose and maltose were not detected. The sap of A. mono was composed of seven kinds of mineral. The prominent minerals in the sap were Ca and K and the concentrations were 548㎎/L and 303㎎/L, respectively.
DBH class; Minerals; Sap; Sugars;
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  • Reference
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