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Study of functional trend in japan's multi-family housing and comparison through nation's environmental certification standard, analyzed by CASBEE assessment result sheet  

Shim, Jae-Myung (고려대학교 대학원)
Kim, Kang-Soo (고려대학교)
Publication Information
KIEAE Journal / v.13, no.2, 2013 , pp. 113-122 More about this Journal
On July 2004, the brand new CASBEE for construction (Brief version) has completed while trying to highlight and improve major items adequate for each region's characteristics in Japan; at the same time, from the start of NAGOYA CITY (operated since April 2004) to the point of May 2011, it has been mandatory for specified size buildings in 23 regions by law. Evaluation sheet of CASBEE is published on each region's home page and various genre of information on building evaluation which is scheduled to be completed by 2016 and is for 5-6 years of quantity is accumulated until October 2012. It is good study resource to verify how new buildings being evaluated are closely match with CASBEE's original purport (eco-friendly, energy efficiency, publicity etc). Particularly, for Japan's multi-family housing where small sized mid to high level single housing type is majority in city, it is an important point that improved performance on eco-friendly buildings have more value in city rather than suburb. Categorized score through evaluation is a resource to confirm the latest trend of multi-family housing built in congested city; on the other hand, demand of the time can be recognized by the score focused on category. It is meaningful resource to determine the adequacy of evaluated items and the degree of reality.
Urban multi-family housing; CASBEE; Green Building Certification Criteria;
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  • Reference
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