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Change of EEG by Odor Stimulation of Construction Material  

Shin, Hoon (전남대학교 건축공학과)
Baek, Geon-Jong (동신대학교 건축공학과)
Song, Min-Jeong (전남대학교 바이오하우징연구사업단)
Jang, Gil-Soo (동신대학교 문화건축학부)
Publication Information
KIEAE Journal / v.9, no.1, 2009 , pp. 47-53 More about this Journal
To know the effect of smells from eco-friend and existing interior construction materials to human response, EEG of subjects' were measured. EEG signals were measured from 8 electrodes according to the international 10-20 system (Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, Fc3, Fc4, P3, P4) from 10 healthy subjects in seven odor construction material. Followings are results. When stimuli of smell were suggested, non-stimuli pattern of ${\alpha}$-wave is largely in right occipitallobe part and rare in frontallobe part respectively. In case of eco-friend materials' smell, there is a activation of EEG in right occipitallobe part for every stimuli. But in case of eco-friend paint and Hwang-to, ${\alpha}$-wave is appeared in most part of brain even in frontallobe part. Especially for wet cedar case, activation of brain is very positive in right occipitallobe part and in frontallobe part. When comparing the normalized sensitivity of ${\beta}$-wave which appears in negative response, the preference ratio order is like this. Normal paint ${\rightarrow}$ MDF ${\rightarrow}$ Eco-friend paint ${\rightarrow}$ Gypsum board ${\rightarrow}$ Cedar ${\rightarrow}$ Wet cedar ${\rightarrow}$ Hwang-to.
EEG(electroencephalogram); Oder stimulation; Construction material;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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