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A Study on the Career Development Plan for the Education Major Students in Korean Universities  

Lee, Sang-Chul (Pusan National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education / v.24, no.5, 2012 , pp. 670-686 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to analyze current state of education departments in Korean universities and to find out ways to help education major students shape their future career. The findings of the study are as follows. First, the comparative analysis of the current state of education and education-related departments showed that average employment rate of education departments in 2011 was 35.0%, whereas that of related departments was 56.6%, which showed a significant difference. Second, education courses were specialized in areas such as lifelong educator qualifications, teaching certificates in morality/ethics, corporate HRD(human resource development), etc. in case of education departments. In case of education-related departments, education courses were specialized in areas such as teaching certificates in pedagogy, lifelong educator qualifications, license of school counselor, corporate HRD, etc. Though there were many overlapping areas, specialization was relatively more common and diverse in education-related departments. Next, to help students shape their future career, developments in specialized career courses, new career fields, and career education models were suggested. To give shape to the progress plans, the development of standard education courses for student careers, the introduction of certification system about course specialization, and search for the career path of teaching profession which allows utilization of the knowledge of education were suggested.
Department of education; Career education; Curriculum specialization;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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