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A Study on Cultivativation of a Fisheries Expert to revitalize Transfer of Fisheries Management Right  

Park, Jong-Un (Pukyong National University)
Cha, Cheol-Pyo (Pukyong National University)
Hong, Ki-Jin (Pukyong National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education / v.23, no.3, 2011 , pp. 361-373 More about this Journal
In line with post-1970s industrialization, the manpower shortage in fishing villages has been fueled by rapid desertion; young adults and middle-aged people have tended to avoid fishing by migrating to cities, driving the emergence of a national issue in terms of securing fisheries management succession. For the fisheries industry to maintain competitiveness, we need to cultivate young adults and middle-aged people to be leaders of the domestic fishing industry through promoting inspiration for the fishing industry, teaching fisheries expert knowledge, and fostering the ability to promote business. In addition to safe supply of marine products through continued fisheries operation, securing young and skilful workers is essential in order to promote balance development of domestic industries, including job creation. The study therefore seeks to provide measures to foster specialists in order to enable the transfer of management through an opinion survey of fishermen. To cultivate specialists for enabling the transfer of management, the following solution should be promoted at the state level. First, to support the introduction of young and talented workers to the fisheries industry through transfer of management, Second, in order to enable the transfer of management, change is required first in the fisheries industry for it to become a value-added industry. Third, despite fisheries being a composite industry that is syncretized to tertiary industries from primary industries, the fisheries industry is still recognized as a labor intensive industry, which reflects the current status of fisheries education.
Fisheries specialist; Transfer of fisheries management right; Fisheries education;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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