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A Critical Analysis of the Meaning of 'Good Instruction'  

Gim, Chae-Chun (Yeungnam Universtity)
Byeon, Hyo-Jong (Yeungnam Universtity)
Publication Information
Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education / v.17, no.3, 2005 , pp. 373-382 More about this Journal
The aim of this study is to analyze critically the meaning of 'good instruction'. In this article, the researchers emphasized the activities of teaching and learning as two essential elements of good instruction. The antecedent studies on good instruction have limitations in that they regarded good instruction as an instrument rather than valuable activity itself. This study consisted of three parts. Firstly, the researchers tried to clarify the meaning of good instruction underlying antecedent studies on instruction. Secondly, the researchers tried to analyze characteristics of good insturction suggested by antecedent studies. Thirdly, the researchers attempted to define a new meaning of good instruction. A new meaning of good instruction should be defined in accordance with characteristics of three commonplaces composing instruction such as teaching activity, learning activity and good interactions between teacher and learner. Good instruction can be defined as followings. Good instruction means an instructional activity which can change the student's meanings of experience as a result of interactions among teacher, learner, and educational materials.
good instruction; teaching; learning;
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