Ceramic Foams by the Self-Blowing of Polymer |
(성균관대학교 재료공학과)
김득중 (성균관대학교 재료공학과) |
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Processing of Microcellular SiC Foams, Part II:Ceramic Foam Formation
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Processing of Mcirocellular SiC Foams. Part I : Curing Kinetics of Polycarbosilane in Air
DOI ScienceOn |
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Gelcasting Foams for Porous Ceramics
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Processing of Porous Ceramics
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Silicon Oxycarbide Foams from a Silicone Preceramic Polymer and Polyurethane
DOI ScienceOn |
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Ceramics From Polymer Pyloysis
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Ceramics via Polymer Pyrolysis
DOI ScienceOn |
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Ceramics from Organometallic Polymer
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Formation and Properties of Poly(siloxane) Derived Ceramic foam
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Processing of Ceramic Foam by Pyrolysis of Filler Containing Phenylmethy1 Polysiloxane Precursor