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Infestation of the Longhorned Beetles Species (Cerambycidae) on Acacia seyal Del var. seyal in the Gum Arabic Belt of Sudan  

Eisa, Maymoona Ahmed (Technische Universitat Dresden, Institute of Forest Botany and Forest Zoology, University of Kordofan, Department of Crop protection, Faculty of Natural resources & Environmental Studies)
Adam, Yahia Omar (University of Khartoum, Faculty of Forestry, Dept. of Forests Management, Technische Universitat Dresden, Institute of International Forestry and Forest Products)
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Journal of Forest and Environmental Science / v.26, no.2, 2010 , pp. 113-116 More about this Journal
The Acacia seyal Del. var. seyal belongs to family Mimosaceae is known locally as gum Talha tree. It is a multipurpose tree species occurs throughout the African gum belt in Savannah mostly in pure forest. In Sudan it thrives on heavy clay soils that receive an annual rainfall between 400-800 mm. It is an important source of rural energy (fuelwood and charcoal) and forage. As mentioned by Nair (2007) the economic damage causes by insect in natural forest often difficult to judge due to no enough research attention The tree is frequently affected by biotic factors among them the insect pests. During a survey in the 1980's the tree was severely infested by the longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) severely infesting other Acacia species, but the ecological data are overlooked. Therefore, the objective of the study was to assess infestation characteristics and to determine environmental factors triggering the attack of longhorned beetles. A temporary random sampling technique was applied to observe the damage characteristics of the longhorned beetles on tree species during May-July 2007. Five sample plots occupies by A. seyal were taken in Kordofan region directly observed for the presence of hole of emergence of the longhorned beetles, presence of dusts, presence of insect stages, girdling as well as other characteristics of damage. The study results indicate that the infestation rate of trees in the sampled sites ranged between zero and 23.08%. Further ecological researches are recommended.
Acacia seyal Del. var. seyal; Cerambycidae; Gum belt; Infestation; Longhorned beetles; Sudan;
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  • Reference
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