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Alternative Sweetener of Sucrose by using Threshold Value and Effects of Salt Addition on the Sweetness  

Hwang Cheol-Seung (Lotte R&D Center)
Kim Yong-Suk (Research Center for Industrial Development of BioFood Materials, Chonbuk National University)
Shin Dong-Hwa (Faculfy of Biotechnology, Chonbuk National University)
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Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety / v.21, no.1, 2006 , pp. 9-13 More about this Journal
In this study the expression of the sweetness by using threshold value and effects of salt addition on the sweetness was carried out in model system. Threshold value was 0.4% in sucrose solution and was 0.75-0.80% in the mixture of sweeteners such as low glutinous starch syrup and reduced starch syrup with sucrose solution. The equation between mixture of sweeteners and relative sweetness ($0-20^{\circ}Brix$) on sucrose was induced. The sweetness of red bean paste prepared with low glutinous starch syrup and reduced starch syrup were estimated as 32.78-34.32 by using threshold value, and those lower than 55 of red bean paste prepared with sucrose alone. The synergistic effect of sweetness was observed when 0.05% salt in sugar solution (2.0%) and 0.2% salt in red bean paste were added, respectively. It showed that the addition of salt could be increase the degree of sweetness and decrease the quantity of sweeteners.
threshold value; salt addition; sweetness; sucrose; red bean paste;
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