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Backgrounds of Korean Noodle Industry  

Kim, Sung-Kon (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dankook University)
Publication Information
Food Science and Industry / v.50, no.1, 2017 , pp. 36-56 More about this Journal
The importance of noodles in Korean diet is becoming greater in recent years. This article is an overview on a variety of Korean noodles including dried noodle, naengmyeon (buckwheat noodle), dangmyeon (starch noodle) and instant fried noodle. It gives also the background information on the changes of the definition of noodles. Since Koreans are the largest consumer of instant fried noodles per capita in the world, primary emphasis was placed on the development history of instant fried noodles.
noodle; instant noodle; dangmyeon; naengmyeon;
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  • Reference
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