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Impact of Stroke Knowledge, Fear of Recurrence on Health Behavior in Patients with Ischemic Stroke  

Choi, Yun Ok (Department of Nursing, Graduate School, Yonsei University)
Lee, JuHee (College of Nursing Mo-Im Kim Nurisng Research Institute, Yonsei University)
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Korean Journal of Adult Nursing / v.29, no.3, 2017 , pp. 302-312 More about this Journal
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the following: knowledge of stroke, fear of recurrence and health behaviors among patients with ischemic stroke. Further, factors influencing health behavior will be described. Methods: Data were collected from 180 patients with ischemic stroke at a general hospital. The study instruments included items about general and health related characteristics, a Stroke Knowledge Scale, a Stroke Fear of Recurrence Scale, and a Health Behavior Scale. Hierarchical regression method was conducted to examine predictors of health behavior. Results: The mean age of the participants was $63.62{\pm}11.10years$, and 57.8% of the sample was men. The mean score for stroke knowledge (possible range=0~17) was $14.99{\pm}1.76$, the mean score for fear of recurrence (possible range=0~32) was $23.16{\pm}3.75$, and the mean score for health behavior (possible range=20~80) was $54.69{\pm}6.46$. Stroke knowledge and fear of recurrence were associated with health behavior in patients with ischemic stroke (F=9.98, p<.001, Adjusted $R^2=.43$). Conclusion: The results demonstrated that stroke knowledge and fear of recurrence impacts the health behavior among patients with ischemic stroke. Thus, nursing interventions which focused on fear of recurrence as well as enhancing stroke knowledge could help health behavior in patients with ischemic stroke.
Stroke; Knowledge; Fear; Health behavior;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 9  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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