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Development of Long-term Education Program for Jeollabukdo Level 6 Educational Administrative Officials  

Cho, Dong-Heon (Asan Smart Factory Meister High School)
Kim, Huyn-Ju (Jeollabukdo Office of Education Training Center)
Kim, Min-Young (Jeollabukdo Office of Education Training Institute)
Lim, Sang-Ho (Soonchunhyang University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.7, no.3, 2022 , pp. 27-42 More about this Journal
Local education autonomy aims to improve the quality of life of local residents and to realize education considering local characteristics. For this purpose, it is necessary to strengthen the competency of local education administrative officials. This study intends to derive the competency of level 6 public officials who should play a central role in local education administrative officials, and to devise the subjects cluster and subjects of the long-term education program. The purpose of this study is to prepare a basic plan so that the education program for level 6 educational administrative officials can be developed in the future. For this study, an expert panel was composed of 20 people including education administrative officials and education program development experts. In addition, the Delphi survey was conducted three times to obtain opinions on the competency of level 6 educational administrative officials and the subjects cluster and subjects of the long-term education program. For the competency of level 6 educational administrative officials, the validity of the survey data was evaluated in the Delphi 1st survey and the validity of the revised data in the 2nd Delphi survey was conducted. And for the subjects cluster and subjects of the long-term education program for level 6 educational administrative officials, the validity of basic data was evaluated in the Delphi 2nd survey and the validity of the revised data in the 3rd Delphi survey was conducted. As a result, the competencies of level 6 educational administrative officials were extracted into nine competencies including coordination and integration competencies. And the long-term education program for level 6 educational administrative officials was developed with 13 subjects cluster and 43 subjects. And the relationship model between the competency of level 6 educational administrative officials and the subjects cluster and subjects of the long-term education program was derived. Based on the results of this study, it was proposed to operate a flexible curriculum for a long-term education program. In addition, the necessity of establishing a system that can reflect the educational training results in the actual educational field was suggested.
Educational Administrative Officer; Education Program; Competency; Subjects cluster; Subject;
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연도 인용수 순위
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