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A study on ways to revitalize organizational culture: Focusing on A company  

Choi, Ho-Gyu (Kongju National University)
Kim, Moon-Jun (KNU Corporate Management Research Center, Kongju National University)
Kim, Jin-kyung (KNU Corporate Management Research Center, Kongju National University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.5, no.3, 2020 , pp. 81-88 More about this Journal
This study aims to emphasize the importance of organizational culture through case studies on the activation of Atomy corporate culture, which is a key factor in corporate sustain-ability. A company is a purely Korean network marketing company that is advantageous to consumers, and further enhances the sustainable growth system by realizing the value of A company that realizes customer's success beyond customers' with better quality and more reasonable prices. In particular, A company has the following three characteristics of organizational culture to realize its founding philosophy, motto, management goals and management policy. First, it is a culture of Observing Principles. Second, it is a culture of glowing together. Third, it is a sharing culture. In addition, A company established and practiced, a unique thinking and organizational culture characteristic of work, to realize growth and development of a top-notch company beyond a global Korean network marketing company. On the other hand, A company is realizing the re-establishment and implementation of the human resource management system that strategically reflects the value of industry according to the changes and characteristics of the times. In other words, the most important factor for revitalizing the organizational culture is the aspect of changes in the personnel system. We are further improving our sustain-ability management system through system innovation to provide continuous value to our partners, members, and consumers along with a strategic HR system differentiated from existing network marketing companies.
A Company; Organizational Culture; Network Marketing; Activation of Organizational Culture; Value Provision;
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