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Big Data Empirical Analysis on the Impact of Investment and Nurturing Support on Gross Regional Product  

An, Dong-gyu (Dept. of IT Management, Kyungmin University)
Shin, Choong-ho (Dept. of IT Management, Kyungmin University)
Publication Information
Industry Promotion Research / v.5, no.3, 2020 , pp. 45-51 More about this Journal
This study analyzed the influence of investment and fostering support on gross regional product by utilizing big data using multiple regression analysis. Gross regional product (GRDP) is an index that intensively contains the production scale, expenditure level, income level, and industrial structure of each region, and is an important data used for regional economic analysis and national policy establishment. In order to properly carry out the country's major national tasks, it is necessary to accurately grasp the regional economy, and as a result, interest in regional gross domestic product is rapidly increasing. In particular, foreign investment has a significant impact on the economy of the host country, and many empirical analyzes are being conducted. In this study, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were conducted to examine the influence of foreign investment and domestic development support on gross regional product, and as a result, it was concluded that investment and support as a whole had a positive effect on gross regional product.
GRDP; Overseas Investment; Nurturing Support; Big Data; Multiple Regression Analysis;
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  • Reference
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