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A Study on Perceptions of Developers on Information Systems Success  

Kim, Joong Han (경기대학교 경영정보학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems / v.27, no.3, 2022 , pp. 47-58 More about this Journal
As firms increase their operations in the international arena, there is a growing need for managers to understand cross-cultural issues in adopting information systems(IS). The present study surveyed IS developers with respect to their perceptions on the importance of various criteria for successful development of information systems. The results indicated that developers perceive criteria related to the organizational and systems level to be more important than criteria on the strategic and user level. In addition, the developers perceive immediate/direct criteria as more important that indirect/long term criteria. The current study found little differences between developers working for innovative versus those working for non-innovative companies with respect to their views on the importance of various success criteria. There were also very little differences in the perceptions of IS developers at different hierarchical ranks.
Information systems success; Developer perception; Hierarchy; Cultural difference;
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