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An Impact of IT Routines on Firm Performance  

Kim, Gi-Mun (건양대학교, 글로벌경영학부)
Kim, Ki-Joo (건양대학교, 글로벌경영학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems / v.15, no.3, 2010 , pp. 77-92 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to explore how IT routines influence firm performances. To do this, a research model are proposed which includes 5 constructs: firm performance, business process performance, IT infrastructure flexibility, IT personnel knowledge, and IT routines. It is presumed that the IT routines enhance other IT capabilities (IT infrastructure flexibility and IT personnel knowledge) and subsequently business process performance which in turn influence firm performance. Then, with 243 firm level data, the proposed dynamics were empirically validated and tested using PLS. The study result revealed that all the routes proposed in the model are statistically significant.
IT Capability; IT Infrastructure; IT Routine; IT Knowledge; IT Business Value; Firm Performance;
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