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Effects of Public Perception of Emergency Medical Service on Brand Equity of the Public Health System  

Kim, Ki-Young (The National Medical Center)
Choi, Yunsik (School of Business, Meredith College)
Choi, Jiyeon (Sejong Platform Inc.)
Choi, Sungyong (School of Business, Hanyang University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering / v.44, no.3, 2021 , pp. 146-164 More about this Journal
This study examines the effects of the public's perception of emergency medical service (EMS) on the public health system's brand equity and the moderating effect of governance on this relationship using Keller's customer-based brand equity model. It uses four EMS functions: rescue/first-aid and transfer activities; disaster prevention, preparation, and response activities; educational activities in urgent situations; and medical treatment in emergency rooms to examine the effects of them on brand meaning of the public health system. Our findings are important for understanding the public as customers of the public health system and devising and/ or adapting healthcare policies and marketing strategies to develop brand equity and increase customers' loyalty to the public health system.
Emergency Medical Service; Public Health System; Brand Equity; Customer-Based Brand Equity Model; Level of Governance;
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