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An Qualification Level Model for Efficient Management of Cyber Security Workforce  

Jung-Ho Eom (대전대학교 군사학과&안보융합학과)
Hong-Jun Kim (대전대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Youn-Sung Choi (인제대학교 AI-융합대학)
Publication Information
When a large-scale cyber attack or terrorism occurs and the country suffers enormous damage or poses a fatal threat to security, social interest in nurturing cybersecurity workforce increases. In addition, the government often suggests policies and guideline to train cybersecurity workforce. However, the system that can systematically manage trained cyber workforce after they are employed in related organizations or companies is still weak. Software workforce has a standardized qualification level model, so appropriate jobs are set and managed for each level. Cyber workforce also need a specialized qualification level model that takes into account their career, academic background, and education&training performance. By assigning a qualification level, the duties that can be performed for each level should be set, and the position and duty of the department should also be assigned in consideration of the level. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a qualification level model for cyber security workforce.
Cyber Security; Qualification Level; Cyber Security Workforce; Cyber Index; Cyber Security Level;
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  • Reference
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