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The Effect of Security Major University Students' Major Selection Motivation on Major Satisfaction and Career Decision  

Ye-Jin Jang (국제대학교 경호보안학과)
Jeong-Il Choi (성결대학교 경영학부)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study conducted to conduct a survey to understand the effect of security major college students' major selection motives on major satisfaction and career decisions. The questionnaire was written as "First, motivation for choice, second, major satisfaction, third, career decision". In this study, Chronbach's Alpha coefficient was calculated to analyze the reliability and importance of variables and to identify exploratory factors. And the Berimax method was performed. Both the AVE and CR values of the measured items were calculated to be above the reference value of 0.7, and thus, the convergent validity of each item was investigated as favorable. In the hypothesis test results, the standardization coefficient of 'selection motive ⇨ major satisfaction' was 0.653 and 'major satisfaction ⇨ career decision' was 0.403, so both research hypotheses were adopted. However, 'selection motive ⇨ career decision' was rejected with 0.392. In the future, universities and related professors seem to need more efforts to simultaneously increase the selection motive and major satisfaction in order to improve the career decisions of college security students.
Security Major College Student; Major Selection Motivation; Major Satisfaction; Career Decision; Survey;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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