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Meanings and Tasks of the Three Revised Bills which Ease Regulations on the Use of Personal Information  

Kim, Seo-An (중앙대학교 대학원 법학과)
Publication Information
In January 2020, the National Assembly passed the revisions of three bills which ease regulations on the use of personal information. The revised laws include the launch of an independent supervisory body, the arrangement of redundant regulations, and regulations for the development of the data economy. This paper analyzes the content and meaning of each law of the Three Revised Bills that Ease Regulations on the Use of Personal Information. And the future challenges outline three aspects: the establishment of a system to ensure the right to informational self-determination of privacy concerns, the establishment of a certification system and the presentation of reasonable guidelines, and the expectation of professional performance by the Personal Information Protection Commission.
Personal Information Protection Act; Act On Promotion Of Information And Communications Network Utilization And Information Protection; Etc.; Credit Information Use And Protection Act; Privacy; Security; Data Economy;
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  • Reference
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