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Measures to Prevent the Leakage of Military Internal Information through the Analysis of Military Secret Leakage Cases: Focusing on Insider Behaviors  

Eom, Jung-Ho (대전대학교 군사학과&안전융합학부)
Kim, Nam-Uk (성균관대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
Publication Information
None of the recent cases of military secret leakages have leaked internal information using networks. This is because the Internet and the Intranet are physically separated, and has a difficult process when transmitting and receiving data through the Internet. Therefore, most of the leaked paths are to copy and hand over secrets, shoot and send them with a smartphone, or disclose after remembering them. So, the technology of blocking and detecting military secret leakages through the network is not effective. The purpose of this research is to propose a method to prevent information leakage by focusing on the insider behaviors, the subject of leakage, rather than the military secret. The first is a preventive measure to prevent the leakage behavior of military secrets, the second is to block suspicious access to the military secret data, and the last is to detect the leakage behavior by insiders.
Information Leakage; Military Secret; Insider; Leakage Prevention; Insider Behavior;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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