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A Comparative Study on the Arms Control Approach Method toward North Korea in between the Past and the Moon Government  

Lee, Pyo-Kyu (단국대학교 공공인재대학 해병대군사학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this study is provide appropriate arms control measures between South and North Koreas by comparing and analyzing the former proposals and agreements in the past and the current Moon Government's approach representing the 9.19 military agreement. For this, I established the most appropriate framework for analysis through comparing and analyzing the arms control theories. The policies of the past governments and of the current Moon Jae-in government are analyzed. The most highlighted characteristic was that the arms control policies were projected by not from the military confidence, but political confidence building measures or both concurrently. In conclusion, I suggested the strategies of projecting confidence building measures and arms control or disarmament in the process of projecting the peace settlement. Nonetheless, the most important point is that the policies of arms control and unification should be pushed ahead complementally.
9/19 agreement; Disarmament; unification policy; confidence building measures; the foreign policy of Moon government;
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  • Reference
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