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Low-weight Secure Encryption Protocol on RFID for Manufactory Automation  

Hwang, Deuk-Young (강원대학교 삼척캠퍼스 / 컴퓨터공학과)
Kim, Jin-Mook (선문대학교 / IT교육학부)
Publication Information
There has been a growing interest in automation of factories in the country. And, the development in this regard has been actively attempted. In particular, on the basis of the "innovation 3.0 strategy of manufacturing industry", interest in the smart of the manufacturing plant of small and medium-sized enterprises has increased rapidly. As well as policy for building smart plant, technical, seeking a strategic approach. But, in order to introduce such a smart plant or factory automation systems, manufacturing plant security with vulnerability and personal information protection problems, it should always be top priority there. Accordingly, we provide the applicable lightweight secure protocols in RFID communication. It is a wireless communication technology that is most often introduced for factory automation. Our proposed lightweight secure protocol in this study, less the number of calculations in comparison with the existing public key-based and the symmetric key encryption algorithm. And it is fast in compare with the existing protocol. Furthermore, we design that it system can support to low power consumption and small consume the memory size.
IoT/CPS; RFID; Attribute-based Re-encryption; Industry standard; Smart factory;
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