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A Study on Countermeasures against North Korea's Cyber Attack  

Jung, Yeong Do (유원대학교 정보통신보안학과)
Jeong, Gi Seog (유원대학교 정보통신보안학과)
Publication Information
As North Korea has a sufficient ability to attack our society's vulnerable computer network, various large-scale cyber attacks are expected to be tried. North Korea's cyber military strength is known a world-class level. The number of its cyber agents is increasing consistently. Recently North Korea's cyber attack has been made regardless of trick and target. But up to now North Korea's cyber attack is more of an exploration than a real attack. Its purpose was to check how fast Korea found a problem and recovered from it. In future, cyber attack that damages substantially is highly probable. In case of an attack against national infrastructure like traffic, financial and energy services, the extent of the damage will be great beyond imagination. In this paper, characteristics of recent North Korea's cyber attack is addressed in depth and countermeasures such as the enactment of cyber terror prevention law, simulation training enforcement, private and public cooperation system construction, cyber security infrastructure expansion, etc. are proposed.
North Korea; Cyber Attack; Countermeasures;
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  • Reference
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