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Study on the Case of the Asymmetric War  

Kim, Sung Woo (동명대학교 군사학과)
Publication Information
We can not respond asymmetric warfare effectively. The asymmetric operation is performed in asymmetric methods and means with different characteristics and functions to their enemy. And the character of the asymmetric operation have 'heterogeneity' and 'superiority' in principle. The type of asymmetric strategy is complex and diverse. Since we can classify the type of the asymmetric strategy in many different way and we must study in many ways and aspects. When we study asymmetric war previous cases from modern to ancient era, we can find that the key factors of the victory have superiority of the asymmetric strategy and discriminatory measures. The asymmetry is created when one party has to adapt to the strategic environment. If we want to secure a strategic advantage, we must take a number of case studies and countermeasures for asymmetric warfare.
asymmetric warfare; asymmetric methods; discriminatory measures; strategic environment; development of new asymmetric strategy;
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  • Reference
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