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Unification of the Korean Peninsula and Military Integration Focusing on the Military Tasks  

Han, Kwan Soo (조선대학교 군사학과)
Publication Information
This study aims to investigate what to be prepared and implemented for the military integration when South and North Korea are making progress toward unification. Although we can not exactly predict when the unification will be completed at this time, preparations for the military integration should be ready ahead of time. Since the failure of the military integration can threat the unification, elaborated and practical solutions are required. Therefore, the study tries to answer the following questions : 1) What types of the military integration are desirable and what are the prerequisites for the unification of Korean Peninsular? ; 2) What potential military tasks could be caused by military integration? ; 3) What are the core and major tasks among them and how could they be solved in practical aspects?
unification of Korean Peninsular; military integration; military tasks; core tasks; major tasks;
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  • Reference
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