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North Korean military provocations and the corresponding direction - Focus on the threat that resulted in unequal power wood box mines provocation -  

Kim, Gyu Nam (신성대학교 군사학과)
Publication Information
Our vision is to see the North and there is a large visual target that the two exchanges and cooperation and unity that put the main enemy of enemies in mind in need. North Korea is the main enemy was illegal invasion June 25, 1950 July 27, 1953 has continued after the armistice join the illegal provocations and cease fire violations so far. August 4, 2015, North Korea was operating by the power differential that operate on an all-out war and declared the initial state after the exhibition gave another provocative DMZ wood box mines. US-ROK military was in the process of real-time detection of the North Korean power operation and the results were broadcast live through the media. Looking at these military provocations on the threat of asymmetrical power of North Korea's military threat, we would like to present how to respond.
North Korea's provocations; the North Korean military; asymmetrical power; WMD;
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  • Reference
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