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The university and security organizations's developmental research  

Kim, Nam-Joong (전주대학교 일반대학원 체육학)
Publication Information
The department has established a variety of studies and training courses and has tried to nurture talented people for security companies. However, the research is marginal, and each university department of security guard education, curriculum falling due after graduating students. Moreover, even if students are occupied an employment exceptional adaptability has occurred. Therefore, each university of private security department will need to collaborate with competitive private security company for reinforce and employment rate in center of experienced field. Then, the security's society will be placed in professional occupation, elevate the phase and will decrease the turnover rate. Qualification system of private security have been indicated in distrust, moreover the system have to be adjusted because not enough effort, control system, cooperation system with training center, one-sided emphasis and private inquiry by adding in private security law.
security studies; security related studies; curriculum; Private Security; Security;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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