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A Study on Evaluation Indicator of Social Sustainability Considering Improvement of Quality of Life in Residential Environment  

Chang, Soo-Jung (한양대학교 실내건축디자인학과)
Nam, Kyung-Sook (한양대학교 실내건축디자인학과)
Publication Information
Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal / v.24, no.6, 2015 , pp. 47-57 More about this Journal
In this research, an attempt was made to approach social sustainability of residential environments that have been studied thus far in community-oriented research in a broader perspective, with the aim to induce evaluation indicators for social sustainability of a residential environment that is oriented for enhancement of the residents' life quality. First, evaluation system of social sustainability of residential environments is divided into 6 areas that include regionality, diversity, fairness, satisfaction of diverse needs, social exchange, and participation and decision making. A subdivision was also introduced to account for evaluation properties by area. Second, regarding measurement of life quality in a residential environment, the scope of evaluation was divided into residential environment dimension, resident dimension, and management dimension which can incorporate both objective evaluation and subjective evaluation in consideration of the fact that it involves both physical environment and socio-psychological elements. Third, evaluation indicators by area were collected based on an analysis of preceding studies. For the purpose, a total of 193 indicators were extracted, including 28 items of regionality area, 26 items of diversity area, 28 items of fairness area, 58 items of satisfaction of diverse needs, 34 items of social exchange area, and 19 items of participation and decision making area. The kind of evaluation indicators have meaning in that it can be used as an evaluation tool of social sustainability that can be applied universally from the planning stage. It can be utilized as a basic data for enhancement of life quality and promotion of social values in a residential environment.
Social Sustainability; Residential Environment; Evaluation Indicator;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
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