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Comparative Study on Color of Environment Evaluation of General Classrooms at Elementary Schools - With elementary schools in Gwang-ju Metropolitan City Since the 7th Curriculum -  

No, Young-Ran (조선대학교 건축공학과)
Park, Sung-Jin (조선대학교 건축공학과)
Lee, Cheong-Woong (조선대학교 건축학과)
Publication Information
Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal / v.16, no.5, 2007 , pp. 89-97 More about this Journal
This study compares, analyzes and reevaluates color conditions and images before and after the execution of the 7th curriculum with elementary schools in Gwang-ju Metropolitan City based on the fact that color among physical environments of elementary classrooms has an important influence on children's emotion and draws problems and aims to accumulate the basic materials for preparing guidelines of improving color environment at general classrooms of elementary schools. Consequently, according to color conditions, major colors on ceiling and wall were high brightness/nigh chroma of Y and YR line regardless of division of grades and other color factors of classroom showed that wall and ceiling used similar colors, but brightness was higher after change than before it. In evaluation of color images, lower grades showed negative color images such as 'common,' 'rustic,' and 'strange' before change, but they showed positive color images after change such as 'clean,' 'unique,' and 'soft'. But, most of higher grades showed negative reactions before change such as 'common,' 'strange,' and 'rustic' and they showed positive reactions after change only in such items as 'clean,' 'warm,' and 'unique', but Indicated negative reactions in remaining items such as 'strange,' 'rustic,' 'stiff,' and 'artificial'. Accordingly, in using colors for lower grade classroom, arrangement of colors through adjustment of brightness and chroma between ceiling, wall and other components based on coloring of high brightness and low chroma of similar colors should be considered and for higher grade classroom, arrangement of colors of unique images of mid-brightness/mid-chroma among warm color lines of similar colors should be examined.
Elementary Schools; General Classroom; Color of Image;
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  • Reference
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