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A Study on 'The Influence of the Theory of Cusanus on the Leonardo's Theory of the Centralized plan'  

Hwang Min-Hye (이화여자대학교 건축공학과)
Lee Ji-Min (여주대학교 인테리어디자인과)
Publication Information
Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal / v.15, no.4, 2006 , pp. 12-20 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of theory of Cusanus on the Leonardo's theory of the centralized plan. In Renaissance, Neo-Platonism was so popular that is wat influenced nearly every architecture, literature, painting, sculpture and so on. Theory of Neo-Platonism was so various that every Neo-Platonist had his own theory. Among them, Cusanus focused his theory on rationality, mathematics rather than the medieval symbolism and studied the relationship between the God and men. In the same age, Leonardo da Vinci studied the planning system influenced on many architects works, including Bramante s. His planning system came not from symbolic appearance but from his scientific and rational researches as the theory of Cusanus. This study is to compare Cusanus Neo-Platonism theory and artistie view shown in Leonardo da Vinci's memorandum and drawing and to ascertain the influential relationship, abstracting the common things, and to substitute the characteristics that are seen in his centralized space sketch, abstracting the key words. The study on Cusanus will take advantage of the issued books and will requote Cusanus's copied ones.
Leonardo da Vinci; Cusanus; Centralized plan; Neo-platonism; Renaissance;
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  • Reference
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