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A Study on the Relationship Between the Color and Plasticity of Korean Traditional Architecture  

Park Hyo-Chul (신흥대학 실내디자인과)
Publication Information
Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal / v.13, no.6, 2004 , pp. 158-166 More about this Journal
This study aims to analyze how the color of Korean traditional architecture affects its plasticity. The researcher took (our distant and near photographs of each representative building of each use, measured the colors, and analyzed these using the color perception theory. The results are summarized as follows: 1. When perceiving the entire plasticity of a building, the color of Korean traditional architecture reduces the heavy feeling that may be brought about by the roof's weight, but stresses the solidity of the pillars. This color perception effect displays the visual stability and balanced plastic beauty of the building's facade. 2. When looking at a building up close, the building's color emphasizes the solidity of the major materials used to construct it through a contrast effect, and highlights the characteristics of each building, such as the dignity of its seal engraving, its magnificence, its simplicity, etc. 3. The color of Korean traditional architecture is a major factor that expresses plastic language as it displays topographical level differences and intercepts or opens view through the artificial division of space, etc., according to the building's use.
한국전통 건축;한국전통 색채;조형;색채지각;색채대비;
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  • Reference
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